30 Years of Wakikirri

Wakakirri is a nationwide Festival for Australian schools that provides a platform for students to express their thoughts, ideas, and aspirations through the art of storytelling and dance. Inspired by the belief that great stories can inspire change, Wakakirri is designed to promote student engagement and well-being in schools through the creation and performance of captivating Story-Dances.

Established in 1992, the Wakakirri Story-Dance Festival is Australia’s largest performing arts event for schools. Held in term 3, this grand celebration showcases the Story-Dances from schools all across the country. With prestigious theatres in major cities and carefully selected regional areas serving as our venues, we ensure that no school is left behind. Even those in remote and regional areas can participate through the innovative Wakakirri Video platform.

Great Stories Inspire Change


At the end of the season, outstanding schools are recognised and honoured for their remarkable efforts in promoting positive social change through their Story-Dances.


It’s a Wrap!


Australian Cultural Policy